
Meet the Need for Vitamin C By Consuming These Fruits for Dealing with "New Normal"

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Vitamin C is one of the important vitamins needed by the body, especially for the growth and repair of cells in bones, teeth, skin, and other tissues. In addition, vitamin C also has other roles, such as helping to increase the absorption of iron from vegetable food sources, helping to prevent cell damage so that it can reduce the risk of cancer, and also can protect your body from various infections because vitamin C can help maintain the immune system .

Various Types of Fruits Containing Vitamin C

In addition to oranges, here are some types of fruits rich in vitamin C that you can consume to meet your daily nutritional needs:


Guava is one of the fruits with the highest levels of vitamin C compared to other fruits. On average, one guava contains 125 mg of vitamin C, more than the daily needs of adults who are only around 70-90 mg / day. Not only vitamin C, guava fruit is also rich in antioxidants lycopene and fiber which are good for health. This fruit is also called good consumed to help prevent dengue fever.


With a refreshing taste, one kiwi can contain about 60 to 75 mg of vitamin C. This fruit is also suitable as a diet, because it has low calories but is high in potassium and fiber.


You can meet the needs of vitamin C by eating only half a papaya which on average contains about 90-100 mg of vitamin C. Interestingly, vitamin C in papaya is believed to improve your memory. This is suspected because papaya contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory which can help prevent brain damage.


Do you like to eat pineapple? If so, you are lucky. Because the fruit that has a refreshing sour taste contains about 75 mg of vitamin C in each cup. In fact, pineapple is also enriched with fiber, folate, potassium, and magnesium which are beneficial for bone and heart health.


One fruit that also contains high vitamin C is strawberry. In a cup of strawberry, or the equivalent of 150 grams of strawberry, contained 90 mg of vitamin C. Not only that, strawberries are also enriched with flavonoids that are believed to improve mood while improving memory.


The fruit that is very easy to get or may be on your home page turns out to be high in vitamin C. You only need to consume one mango to get 75 mg of vitamin C. Not only that, this sweet or sour fruit also contains vitamin A which has been proven scientifically effective in enhancing the immune system and eye health.


In a bowl of cut cantaloupe fruit, contained about 65 mg of vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C, cantaloupe fruit that has a sweet and fresh taste contains a lot of water, so it is good for preventing dehydration. This fruit also contains fiber, folate and beta carotene which is good for digestive health.


This tiny, sweet-sized fruit can also be your choice to meet your daily vitamin C needs. About 7 mg of vitamin C is contained in one lychee. Not only that, lychees are also fruits that are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 which are beneficial for the health of blood vessels, brain, and heart.


In 100 grams of soursop fruit contains about 30 mg of vitamin C. Besides being rich in vitamin C, soursop also contains a variety of other nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, to niacin which are believed to reduce the risk of cancer and prevent cholesterol buildup.

In consuming the fruits above, as much as possible avoid processing it into juice. The reason is, the refining process is believed to eliminate some of the important nutrients in the fruit you consume.

How about Hypermart Lovers? Are you ready to run New Normal? Continue to fulfill your vitamin needs so that they don't get sick easily! Don't forget to buy quality fresh fruits at Hypermart!
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